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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Erosion 은 Erika Cross



Formed overtime through erosion, each piece of sandstone is unique. These stones are often used to create foot paths, providing guidance without disrupting the elegance of nature. Bringing this experience indoors, "Erosion' reminds us of nature's subtle beauty.

에 대해 Erika Cross

Erika Cross is a multidisciplinary designer, producing a body of work ranging from material development to product and furniture design. Erika, a graduate of The Royal College of Art, is both pragmatic and refined; her work being the combination of theory, aesthetics and functionality. Employing creative thinking and experimental methodology, Erika, is dedicated to re-examining and re-imagining materiality and manufacture, all while working internationally on furniture and interior design, architectural installations, and branding projects.

의 기타 디자인 Erika Cross

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