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The 15th Pentagon - Amanda Allison

Wielka Brytania

Wielka Brytania

My design is based on a type of pentagon, which in mathematics is said to be unique because it is able to tesselate. This means it can ‘tile the plane’ leaving no gaps and no overlaps. Every triangle and four sided shape can do this but regular pentagons cannot, however some non-regular pentagons can. My design is based on the recently discovered 15th type of this non-regular pentagon, which was discovered earlier this year (the previous type was discovered in the 1980s). I wanted to use this shape as I feel mathematics holds an important place in modern art and the design reflects the symmetry and natural beauty the eye is inherently drawn to. I also wanted to combine the mathematical and modern art notion in a symbiotic manner, with the concept of Gaia and Mother Earth. To do this I chose natural colours to emanate out in circles or fields from what i perceive to be the consciousness centre of Earth herself.

O Amanda Allison

Amanda Allison was born in Manchester, in the North West of England. She graduated from the University of Leeds in 2011 with a BA Honours in Graphic & Communication Design (Industry). Ever since she was old enough to pick up a crayon, Amanda loved to doodle. She currently works in the centre of Manchester for creative agency Blumin, where she is involved with anything from branding and brochure design, to website design and animation.

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