

fingers- Round shape von Ronak Patel



This design was inspired by fingers and colours. I love color. I seek it out, and fill my canvas with as much as possible. I like to be bold and playful with all the colors of the spectrum. The colors within a carpet can draw the eye into it and evoke emotion and enhance the overall mood and what’s better than using your own fingers rather than a brush. I also saw this as a feeling where Fingers depict people and colours depict their different mindset, nature and behavior. The round shape was chosen as a circle of life, which is inspired by many people around us. So it’s a circle of life with various people around having different mindset.
This design was inspired by fingers and colours. I love color. I seek it out, and fill my canvas with as much as possible. I like to be bold and playful with all the colors of the spectrum. The colors within a carpet can draw the eye into it and evoke emotion and enhance the overall mood and what’s better than using your own fingers rather than a brush. I also saw this as a feeling where Fingers depict people and colours depict their different mindset, nature and behavior. The round shape was chosen as a circle of life, which is inspired by many people around us. So it’s a circle of life with various people around having different mindset.

Über Ronak Patel

Dolly Patel is an architect by profession. She has done her masters in Sustainable architecture and is presently working as a professional architect. She has a special love for art, environment and culture.
Dolly Patel is an architect by profession. She has done her masters in Sustainable architecture and is presently working as a professional architect. She has a special love for art, environment and culture.

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