

Seed von Daniel Hughes



The seed is very similar to the egg. They both are small fragments of life itself. I have used a dashed line to illustrate how detached and fragile the seed is as it takes root. Although it can not see it knows when the environment is correct for itself to thrive. I have used a various selection of colours to illustrate the constant changes going on inside as the environment changes. This fragment can become so much more as time passes, so I have used a succession of colours to illustrate this change.

Über Daniel Hughes

Daniel is a 22year old graphic designer from Scotland. His design work at the moment takes complex elements in nature and simply breaks them down to basic form and colour. Daniel works full time as a graphic designer but often spends time designing his own self driven work, which has a focus on morality and inequality within society.
Enjoying the beautiful landscapes of Scotland is not enough for Daniel and he has a hope to visit as many parts of the world in his time as possible.

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