

Allover1 von Christian Rothmann



During my travels all over the world, I am painting watercolors. Water, waves, reflections, light, local colors and local patterns are included. Brushstrokes of different sizes are on 24 x 30 cm sheets.
About 30-40 handmade watercolors are transferred and edited digital.
A mix of stripes and (water) colors, digitally remixed, we would say today..positive, negative, referring the square.

Über Christian Rothmann

I am a fullblooded painter and photographer.
Since 1979 more than 55 solo and 95 groupexhibitions worldwide.
Guest lectures, residencies, art fairs and biennials in Europe, Japan, USA, Australia and Korea.
Practicing and teaching silkscreenprinting, designing textiles and porcelain painting.
I love COLOR, mediterranean LIGHT and all kind of PATTERNS and STRIPES!

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