

Rainy Days von Charlotte Hoyes



With its unusual colours and retro feel, Rainy Days was designed as a fun carpet for adults or children.

I like the idea of a carpet beginning a narrative in a space. The Rainy Days carpet can be seen in this way – as the opening page of a book full of off-beat surprises.
With its unusual colours and retro feel, Rainy Days was designed as a fun carpet for adults or children.

I like the idea of a carpet beginning a narrative in a space. The Rainy Days carpet can be seen in this way – as the opening page of a book full of off-beat surprises.

Über Charlotte Hoyes

Charlotte Hoyes was born in Nottingham, England. After a career change, she pursued her passion for graphic design by studying at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design in London. On graduating, she went to work in Mumbai, India. She now works in London as a freelance graphic designer.

Charlotte loves travelling and the colour combinations, shapes and textures she encounters on her travels frequently provide inspiration for her designs. She also enjoys experimenting with hand-rendered techniques such as monoprinting, silk-screen and letterpress printing as well as digital techniques. She is interested in designing for children and also really enjoyed developing these carpet designs!

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