

Kaleidoscope Rainbow von Melissa Watts



Natural earthy tones are incorporated within this kaleidoscope design. Based on the original, Rainbow Boost, the pattern is manipulated further to create the layers of the Earth from its core to its surface.

Über Melissa Watts

Melissa Watts is a Textile Artist and emerging Surface Pattern Designer based in the UK. She launched Maud designs in 2011 creating highly textured home furnishings and acoustic wall tiles for residential and corporate settings.
Melissa enjoys creating one-off pieces of textile art. These include a 3D, 2.7m x 2.7m HM Queens head from manipulated wool felt for highly respected materials gallery SCIN, situated in the design district Clerkenwell, London(London Design Festival 2011). Also, a very large wool needlepoint tapestry of a Herdwick Ram for the internationally renowned Campaign for Wool, showing at their Wool House exhibition(2013), Somerset House, London, during which she had the chance to meet its Patron, HRH Prince Charles.
Melissa is a huge supporter of sustainable, natural materials and will always use these where possible. A love of pattern and a passion for colour are always evident in her work.

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