

Bubba von Lital Lee Doron



Bubba is a group of things that mix one with each other, like anything of our lives.
Bubba è un insieme di cose che si mescolano tra di loro, come qualsiasi cosa della nostra vita.

Über Lital Lee Doron

Lital lee Doron was born in 1990 in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
In 2016 graduated her BA in design with full marks with honor from the LABA of Florence, Italy

Thanks to a special program in her University she had the opportunity to live and work in China, where she did an internship as a product designer.

As designer she's trying to evoke emotions through colors and shapes.
Lital lee Doron è nata nel 1990 a Tel-Aviv, Israele.

Nel 2016 si è laureata in Design con 110 e lode.

Durante gli studi ha avuto l'opportunità di vivere e lavorare in Cina, come product designer.

Da designer sta cercando di evocare emozioni attraverso colori e forme .

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