

Macaw von Marina Dennis



I intended Macaw to give the impression of feathers fallen across the floor. It should easily vanish into the room, but if examined, hold its own interest. Much like parrots in the wild, invisible within the flora, but then a striking sight in midair. Specifically, for the range of the color in a parrot’s plumage. I picked the Macaw and Pious parrot’s colors for this rug design because of the striking contrast between the colors of their feathers, and the diverse spectrum of color within them. These spectrums would allow the rug fit into a variety of color schemes, in many different spaces.

Über Marina Dennis

Marina is a design student from Kansas. For her design is about putting wonder into everyday objects, a little bit of music hidden in the world. The Nuance is in the details; how do the lines create a dance that swirls the colors? Do the colors paint a picture that brings out the steps of the lines? Each aspect of a design must be carefully tuned to work in tandem. Only then can the whole achieve its purpose.

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