

Home von Marius Tanasa



The abstract and simple shape design, the neutral colors, highlights the center of the composition, the word "Home" that it's more than just a word, it is a feeling with a powerful vibe.
Designul abstract si simplu, culorile neutre, scot in evidenta centrul compozitiei, cuvantul "Acasa" care este mai mult decat un cuvant, este un sentiment cu o puternica vibratie.

Über Marius Tanasa

I am 31 years old, and i live in Romania.
In my free time i work as a graphic designer. Each project starts with a sketch, a photograph, a feeling. Graphic design is a passion that i have for many years and i always want to get better in what i do.
Am 31 de ani, si locuiesc in Romania.
In timpul meu liber, lucrez ca graphic designer. Fiecare proiect incepe cu o schita, o fotografie, un sentiment. Desginul grafic este o pasiune pe care o am de multi ani si intotdeauna vreau sa devin mai bun in ceea ce fac.

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