

Back and Forth von Nagisa Higashida



When faced with a struggle, physical or psychological, you often retrace your steps to the original path in order to move forward. Sometimes the path forward leads you backwards, only for you to step forward and back again.
Though it may not seem so, there is always a way out in the end, and sometimes you can enjoy this rhythmic repetition, before moving on.

Über Nagisa Higashida

Nagisa Higashida is a Japanese fine artist who has lived in the U.S. for more than two decades. Always searching for new subjects, Higashida creates and develops her imagery with a variety of media - oil, acrylic, watercolor, alcohol ink, sumi and many others. In addition to her fine art work, Higashida has been commissioned by clients for commercial projects as well.

Andere Entwürfe von Nagisa Higashida

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